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Textured Pocketfolds

Accent Antique, Conqueror, Colorplan Fine Linen, Rives, Strathmore Grandee, Tapestry, Zeta

Click an image to the left to enlarge the picture. Hover the mouse over the image to see the size and description of the picture. This card has a fine...

Click an image to the left to enlarge the picture. Hover the mouse over the image to see the size and description of the picture. Our 178x128mm...

Click an image to the left to enlarge the picture. Hover the mouse over the image to see the size and description of the picture. These double sided...

Click an image to the left to enlarge the picture. Hover the mouse over the image to see the size and description of the picture. Our 178x128mm...

Comet and Precious Pearl are 300gsm, in Comet is available in Hessian (linen) finish and the Precious Pearl has a sequin finish. Comet Opal is an ivory...

Click an image to the left to enlarge the picture. Hover the mouse over the image to see the size and description of the picture. Contour Card...

Click an image to the left to enlarge the picture. Hover the mouse over the image to see the size and description of the picture. Zeta is available in...

Click an image to the left to enlarge the picture. Hover the mouse over the image to see the size and description of the picture. All of the Rives have...